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Dental Practice Marketing Companies: What Works and What Doesn't

Why More Dentists are Choosing Dental Practice Marketing Companies

Dental Practice Marketing Companies: What Works and What Doesn't

Dental practice marketing companies, from traditional full-service firms to dental marketing agencies, are constantly looking to introduce more new patient appointments to dentists through dental marketing services such as dental SEO, social media marketing, paid to advertise, and other methods.

 But many dentists have been disappointed in their results with these companies, leading them to wonder what really works and what doesn’t when it comes to the effort of getting new patients through dental practice marketing services.

 Here’s a closer look at some of the more popular approaches and whether they can be successful or not.

The Benefits of Increasing New Patient Appointments

Dental practice marketing companies provide dental practices with many options for increasing new patient appointments. 

In fact, most dental marketing firms will offer business services such as dental practice management, dental patient marketing, and web design services...

these are just a few of several ways that an expert firm can help a dental practice improve its revenue stream. 

By understanding which aspects of your operation might need help, you’ll be able to make informed decisions about what elements are best for your business.

 For example, if your dental office has been using a website template for the past 10 years but it's not really working out anymore, or if you're struggling to find enough qualified staff members - or both - then it may be time to reach out to dental practice marketing companies. 

There are three main areas in which dental practice marketing companies typically provide support:

  •  dental SEO,
  •  social media promotion,
  •  and paid to advertise.

How a Dentist Can Improve with Digital Marketing Services

Dental marketing companies can make a difference to your dental practice marketing by optimizing your search engine rankings (SEO), and making you visible on popular social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more. 

They can also help you drive traffic to your website through paid advertising on digital platforms like Google AdWords or Bing Ads. 

Such digital services are affordable in nature as they target potential patients based on their past search behavior. 

You only pay when people click through to visit your site or contact you directly. 

And if you're not seeing any clicks, then the dental marketing company will find out why and fix it for you.

 Dentists who have been around for a while know that it's difficult to compete with the big boys in this industry. 

With a dental marketing company handling all of your campaigns, such as SEO and social media management, for instance, those dentists have an edge against the competition because their campaigns are running 24/7! So what does work?

 Digital marketing does work! 

Whether you need dental marketing ideas or would like to partner with a dental marketing company to handle all of your campaigns, give one of these companies a call today!

Achieving a Good Return on Investment (ROI) with Traditional Advertising

Traditional advertising, such as print media (newspapers, magazines) or outdoor ads, can be an effective way to attract new patients.

 However, for dental practice marketing companies that are paying for a series of ads, it’s not uncommon to hear about clients feeling frustrated by what they perceive as lackluster results from traditional advertising strategies. 

One reason is that dental office internet marketing campaigns require a different strategy than the ones you might use for other types of businesses because people don't walk into your dental office because they found your ad in the newspaper.

 As part of dental internet marketing services, dental practice marketing companies need to develop specific strategies that take into account things like:

  •  search engine optimization (SEO),
  •  content marketing, 
  • social media management,
  •  reputation management,
  •  and lead generation. 

These dental marketing strategies are designed to ensure that your dental office receives maximum visibility in:

  • searches on Google and Bing,
  • and increase conversion rates for site visitors,
  • Building brand awareness through blogging and reviews.

Dental practice marketing companies also advise dentists on how to grow their email list with dental blog readership and newsletters so they can build a relationship with those potential patients before they make any appointment decisions.

Understanding Where the Money Goes With Internet Advertising

For years now, marketing for dentists has relied heavily on TV, radio, and print. 

These traditional media are still available to you, but many dental practice marketing companies are introducing more new patient appointments to dentists through dental marketing services such as:

  •  dental SEO,
  •  social media marketing,
  •  and paid advertising... 

all of which can be highly effective at reaching your target audience. 

Consider investing some of your ad budgets in these newer services to connect with patients online.

 As a result, you may notice an increase in the number of people who visit your website, as well as an increase in the number of leads or appointments that you convert.

 Dental digital marketing is especially great because it's not time-sensitive like most other forms of advertising. 

You can reach out to people whenever they need it - whether that's during the weekdays or on weekends - without worrying about when those people are likely to have time to watch TV or read a newspaper. It's also easier to track the impact of your campaign if you invest in digital marketing services.

 It doesn't cost any extra money to learn how this works, so we recommend asking any dental practice marketing company what they do before making a decision.

Know When To Stop Spending Money on Digital Campaigns

It’s important to know when you’ve spent enough money on your digital marketing campaign.

 Don’t let yourself get caught in a time trap by continuing to pour money into digital campaigns with no results.

 Make sure you have adequate data at each phase of your campaign before moving on to another phase.

 You can find more information about dental practice marketing companies from top dentists and their experiences with digital marketing. 

Dentists are recommended to stay up-to-date with digital trends in order to improve the dental marketing strategy they employ. 

Digital advertising provides new opportunities for dentists who may not have time or expertise to market themselves digitally. 

Digital marketing allows them to take advantage of pay-per-click ads, social media platforms, search engine optimization, and more. 

The dental practice marketing company facilitates the process by managing all aspects of digital marketing including these services and others.

 When choosing an agency, make sure that it is reputable so that your business does not suffer due to any unethical practices.

Make Full Use of the Tools Offered by Advertisers

It’s no secret that it costs big bucks to advertise your dental practice through a digital marketing for dentists. 

This can be a daunting task for new dentists, but if you have no choice but to do it, do it right.

 Use every tool offered by these top dental marketing companies; don’t only use one service because they tell you to. 

Your goal is to boost your number of new patient appointments so take advantage of everything they have to offer. 

The more marketing tools you use, the better chance you have at bringing in those high-quality leads. So make sure you are using: 

  • social media, 
  • SEO optimization, 
  • videos,
  •  blogs, 
  • newsletters, 
  • etc.

 Be aware that not all of these services will work for everyone; find out which ones are best suited for your business and implement them accordingly.

 For example, some might find success with Facebook ads while others will want to focus on PPC (pay per click) ads instead. 

Experiment with different types of advertising until you find what works best for your specific needs.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Services

The number one factor in acquiring new patients is still searched engine optimization.

 Most practices overlook SEO because they don’t know how it works or how to do it themselves.


The most effective SEO is a combination of: 

  • organic SEO (SEO that can be done for free) 
  • and paid advertising (Google AdWords). 

Combining these two methods will help your practice rank higher on Google, which will drive more patients to your website. 

Paid ads will also cost less per click than organic SEO alone, so it's often worth the investment even if you have to pay for them.

 There are many other benefits of using an SEO company including:

  • keyword research, 
  • data analysis, 
  • and ongoing campaign management.


The ultimate goal of SEO is to increase the amount of qualified traffic to your dental practice website, which ultimately leads to more new patient appointments. 

  • -SEO services should always be used in conjunction with social media marketing 

  • -The goal of any digital marketing service should always be to generate quality traffic


  • -Paid advertising through social media networks like Facebook and LinkedIn can often produce a lower cost per click than Google Adwords

  •  -Social media marketing provides exposure for dental practices without having to pay for ads 

  • -Marketing through traditional print and radio advertising is important but does not get results as quickly as digital marketing. 

New patients come from referrals and word-of-mouth rather than direct marketing. 

A good relationship with family members who bring their children to your office is also important in attracting new patients.

The Costs Associated With SEO Services

Paying for dental SEO services is a pretty straightforward process. 

You sign a contract with an agency and send them your budget information,... the end, you get to see how much traffic was generated from the campaign and compare it to how much money you paid for it. 

One of the most beneficial parts of paying for this service is that you can use what you learn from the campaign to make tweaks in order to optimize your site.

 For example, if you notice that one keyword is generating more traffic than another one but cost less per click, then you would have been better off optimizing your page for that keyword.

 However, just because you are using digital marketing tactics doesn’t mean you should neglect other methods.

 In fact, some studies show that doing both together can lead to increases in new patient appointments by up to 40%. 

So even though there are always risks associated with any type of marketing strategy, they might be worth taking when there are potential benefits as well.

 If you don’t have time or don’t know where to start with your marketing plan, hiring a company that specializes in dental practice marketing services may be a good way to go.

Choosing an Appropriate Marketing Service Provider for Your Business

The first step to figuring out what dental marketing services you need in determining whether you actually need them at all.

 Do a little research, both online and in your local area, to find out what kinds of marketing campaigns local dentists have tried, how they worked out, and whether they would recommend them to others.

 Many dentists will be willing to offer valuable advice; others may not be as forthcoming with information because they don’t want it shared with their competitors. 

However, once you've done some preliminary research into the various types of marketing strategies available to your business, you can narrow down the field based on which ones best suit your needs and provide the most return on investment. 

For example, if social media marketing isn't going to work for you because you're located far away from many potential customers or there's no target audience for your practice in that social media outlet (for example Facebook), then focus on other options such as SEO and paid advertising instead. 

With so many different services available to choose from, finding the right combination for your dental practice doesn't have to be difficult.

 If you are unsure about any specific service, contact an experienced professional who can help you determine which of these advertising techniques might work best for your specific situation. 

They'll also be able to share some practical tips on getting started with any one particular technique so that you aren't left scratching your head wondering where to start!